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The Centre has held continuous accreditation for 16 years granted through 5 external audit reviews and has embedded systems that ensure ongoing internal review and quality improvements.

From the ASES executive summary:

“The Sydney Women’s Counselling Centre extended the scope to include all their counselling services – Alcohol and Drug Counselling, Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Counselling and General Counselling, therapeutic groups and educational groups as well as their Gambling Counselling Program – a second short assessment visit was conducted at the service to ensure all the services met the ASES certificate standards. This second assessment involved interviews with the Manager, Assistant Manager and a group of 5-6 of the counsellors.

The assessment included a review of current policies and procedures, strategic plan and planning records, Board reports, governance documentation, feedback surveys, staff and client files, health and safety policies and systems, minutes of staff, clinical and Board meetings, financial reports, computerised client management and data collection systems, Annual Reports, funding body agreements, workplans and reports, training register, service brochures, information provided to clients and the Clinical Practice Manual.


The SWCC Counselling was found to continue to be an effective and well-run organisation. All the evidence of sound management practices, strategic planning, data and knowledge management, sound governance, finance and contract management, human resources, stakeholder relationship management, communication strategies, client information and service outcomes were found to be current in the whole organisation.”

© 2021 by SWCC. 

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