An Outline
Our Vision is that all women are empowered and supported in our community.
Our purpose is to deliver trauma-informed mental health, addiction and domestic violence service to assist women to meet their physical, emotional, social and economic potential.
Sydney Women’s Counselling Centre provides trauma-informed counselling and casework in a safe environment and free of charge to women in our community. We support ongoing access to social justice programs, and we are a voice of women in our community.
Our services are, trauma–informed services underpinned by a Social Model of Health that recognizes health and wellbeing as the outcome of social determinants (social, environmental, economic, physical and cultural factors) and gender inequity (being a woman).
Our Centre is a safe women only environment providing services that seek to Empower Women to improve the quality of their lives and fulfil their potential
Rather than asking: “What’s your problem?”
We ask:
“What happened to you?”
“What did you have to do to survive?
We provide:
Comprehensive psychosocial assessments
Brief interventions
Short term counselling (5-10 sessions)
Medium term counselling (11-20 sessions)
Longer term counselling (weekly up to 2 years)
Medicare Bulk billing program (6-10 sessions)
Victim Service counselling
Case Management
Counselling is provided though our pathway programs
General Mental Health
Domestic Violence
Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Assault
Drug and Alcohol
Bilingual counselling.
All programs are holistic and address and assist clients in stabilizing co existing presenting issues and importantly we work with complex underlying trauma in our long-term counselling which is available in all of the entry pathways.