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Referral and Intake 

Referrals are received from a wide range of service providers across the public, private and NGO sectors via the SWCC referral form.

Clients may also contact the Centre directly to request counselling.


Click here for the SWCC Referral Form 

Our priority is to ensure that clients always receive the most appropriate service for their needs in the most timely manner.

Our Intake Assessment is by phone and usually happens within 7 days of a request for counselling being received.  

Intake assessment is not counselling. The purpose of intake is to determine the appropriateness of our service to the woman’s needs, to assess readiness for counselling and to assess the treatment needs for appropriate referral if required.

This will generally take 45-60 minutes and is undertaken by one of our experienced counsellors. The assessment process is designed to gain an overall sense of areas that are most troubling to the client especially any issues of safety. Key areas of concern are not discussed in great depth unless a crisis situation is identified.

At the intake assessment the counsellor will explain how holistic counselling works at the Centre across all programs, the various entry pathways into counselling and will conduct a comprehensive psycho-social assessment with screening for domestic violence, mental health, addictions and trauma issues past and present.

Times and days that most suit the Client are discussed and any child care requirements. *


After intake assessment is completed, the Client will be contacted by the Centre to advise the possible wait time before commencing counselling and/or other options explored with possible referrals to other services.

Referral to other services may also occur at intake and at anytime during counselling if client needs for case management or crisis care are required.

* It should be noted that the Centre does not have child minding facilities, however, Carrington Occasional Child Care is located next-door for children up to the age of 6 years.


Empowering women to improve the quality of their lives and fulfill their potential.

© 2021 by SWCC. 

Useful Numbers

Useful numbers can help you contact services directly and find the help and information you need. If you need guidance, please reach out to us.


All Options Counselling Services –

FPA NSW Helpline

1300 658 886


Aging & Disability Abuse Helpline

(M-Fri, 9-5 pm)

1800 628 221


Blue Knot Foundation (M-Fri, 9-5 pm)

1300 657 380


Black dog Institute

9382 4530


Butterfly Foundation (support for Eating

Disorders, 8am – 12 am 7 days)

1800 334 673


Head to Health

1800 595212


Carer Gateway (6 free counselling sessions

if you’re a carer for someone with a disability)

1800 422 737

Grief Support Line (leave message for call back)

9489 6644


Grief Line (midday to 3 am, 7days or 24/7

online) – Somali + Farsi languages

1300 845 745


E-Head Space (9 am-1 am for 12-25 years &

their family – online chat & phone)

1800 650 890

Mindspot 1800 614 434


Sane Helpline

Mon-Fri (10am-10pm)

1800 187 263


Service NSW 13 77 88


The Salvation Army

(Crisis Relief line for Financial Hardship,

Food, Clothing, Welfare Needs)

Mon-Fri 9am -5pm

1300 371 288


Women’s Legal Service

02 874 56988 or 1800 801 501


Women’ Legal Service - DV Legal Advice Line

8745 6999 or 1800 810 784

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