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Social Model of Health and Trauma Informed Care 

Sydney Women’s Counselling Centre was established in 1994 and is one of 2 specialist Women’s Health Services and 19 Women’s Health Centres that make up Women’s Health NSW.


This network of associations works from the “Principles of Women’s Health” to provide women centred health and wellbeing services across NSW.

The principles of social justice and an understanding of a gendered approach to health or health within a social context are central to our framework.


The Social Model of Health, recognises that

health is determined by a broad range of social, environmental, economic and biological factors.

That differences in health status and health objectives are linked to gender, age, socio-economic status, ethnicity, disability, location and environment, racism, sex-role stereotyping, gender inequality and discrimination, ageism, sexuality and sexual preferences.

Trauma Informed Care that is underlined by an focus on:


Physical and emotional safety for clients and staff is embedded in policy and procedures and is a fundamental aspect of first contact and ongoing service. It is an assertion that women who have experienced child abuse, domestic and family violence and other co occurring issues are at risk of being re traumatized if there is real or perceived danger in the physical/emotional environment in which they seek counseling.

© 2021 by SWCC. 

Useful Numbers

Useful numbers can help you contact services directly and find the help and information you need. If you need guidance, please reach out to us.


All Options Counselling Services –

FPA NSW Helpline

1300 658 886


Aging & Disability Abuse Helpline

(M-Fri, 9-5 pm)

1800 628 221


Blue Knot Foundation (M-Fri, 9-5 pm)

1300 657 380


Black dog Institute

9382 4530


Butterfly Foundation (support for Eating

Disorders, 8am – 12 am 7 days)

1800 334 673


Head to Health

1800 595212


Carer Gateway (6 free counselling sessions

if you’re a carer for someone with a disability)

1800 422 737

Grief Support Line (leave message for call back)

9489 6644


Grief Line (midday to 3 am, 7days or 24/7

online) – Somali + Farsi languages

1300 845 745


E-Head Space (9 am-1 am for 12-25 years &

their family – online chat & phone)

1800 650 890

Mindspot 1800 614 434


Sane Helpline

Mon-Fri (10am-10pm)

1800 187 263


Service NSW 13 77 88


The Salvation Army

(Crisis Relief line for Financial Hardship,

Food, Clothing, Welfare Needs)

Mon-Fri 9am -5pm

1300 371 288


Women’s Legal Service

02 874 56988 or 1800 801 501


Women’ Legal Service - DV Legal Advice Line

8745 6999 or 1800 810 784

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